Literary Pilgrimage Sites: Travel the World with Your Favorite Authors (Part 3)


In Part 3 of our literary pilgrimage series, we uncover even more magical destinations! Visit Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy-tale hometown of Odense, explore Jack Kerouac’s Lowell, and wander through the whimsical world of Astrid Lindgren in Vimmerby. Join us as we delve deeper into the places that inspired some of literature’s greatest minds!

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Literary Pilgrimage Sites: Travel the World with Your Favorite Authors (Part 2)


Ready for more literary adventures? In Part 2 of our literary pilgrimage series, we journey to Franz Kafka’s Prague, where the surreal landscapes of his stories come to life. We also visit Mark Twain’s Hannibal, the inspiration for Tom Sawyer’s mischievous escapades. Pack your bags as we continue exploring the world through the eyes of our favorite authors!

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Literary Pilgrimage Sites: Travel the World with Your Favorite Authors (Part 1)


Ever wished you could step right into the pages of your favorite book? Literary pilgrimage sites let you do just that! From Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon to Louisa May Alcott’s Orchard House in Concord, these destinations bring beloved stories to life. Let’s explore the enchanting places where literary magic began.

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Be Back Soon!

About the Bookworm

Hi guys! The bookworm and her sidekick are taking a break. We will be spending time with family and friends during the holiday season. You can also think of this as a social media detox of some sort! We will probably be able to start posting again around February or March of next year. We […]

December 10, 2019

Book Club: Tips to Getting Started

Etcetera Etc

Reading books is an ever-popular pastime, whether they’re paper versions or e-books. This can be seen in the popularity of book clubs, in which members read specific books before meeting to discuss them, perhaps hosting the gatherings by turn. This article encourages readers to start their own book clubs, and provides tips for getting started.

October 14, 2019

What’s Next After Game of Thrones?

Etcetera Etc

Now that the Game of Thrones TV series has officially ended, many fans will be looking for books similar to A Song of Ice and Fire in style, tone, and genre. This list introduces readers to exciting alternatives. It provides short reviews of each book and explains why readers might enjoy them.

May 19, 2019